English synonyms about - contact  



1 niggling

informal Small and of little importance:
— A dispute over niggling details.

synonyms: fiddling, footling, lilliputian, little, petty, picayune, piddling, piffling, trivial.

Roget 643: unimportant; of little account, of small account, of no account, of little importance, of no importance etc. 642; immaterial; unessential, nonessential; indifferent.    subordinate etc. ... show more

Polish: bagatelny

Moby thesaurus: Mickey Mouse, adverse criticism, advertent, agog, alert, all ears, all eyes, animadversion, annoying, aspersion, assiduous, attentive, aware, bad notices, bad press, captious, captiousness, careful, carping, cavil ... show more.

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