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1 buoyant

Tending to float on a liquid or rise in air or gas:
— Buoyant balloons.
— Buoyant balsawood boats.

synonym: floaty.

Roget 858: hoping etc. v.; in hopes etc. n.; hopeful, confident; secure etc. (certain) 484; sanguine, in good heart, ... show more

Roget 305: rising etc. v.. scandent, buoyant; supernatant, superfluitant; excelsior.   

Roget 320: light, subtile, airy; imponderous, imponderable; astatic, weightless, ethereal, sublimated; gossamery; suberose, suberous; uncompressed, volatile; ... show more

Roget 325: elastic, flexible, tensile, spring, resilient, renitent, buoyant; ductile, stretchable, extendable.   

Roget 734: prosperous; thriving etc. v.; in a fair way, buoyant; well off, well to do, well to do in the world; set up, at one's ease; rich etc. 803; ... show more

Roget 836: cheerful; happy etc. 827; cheery, cheerly; of good cheer, smiling; blithe; in spirits, in good spirits; breezy, bully, chipper [U.S.]; ... show more

2 buoyant

Characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness:
— Buoyant spirits.

synonyms: chirpy, perky.

Moby thesaurus: adaptable, adaptive, afloat, airy, animated, blithe, bouncy, breezy, bright, carefree, cheerful, convalescent, corky, debonair, ebullient, effervescent, elastic, expansive, extensile, flexible ... show more.

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