English synonyms about - contact  

take exception


1 take exception

Raise a formal objection in a court of law.

synonym: challenge.

Roget 469: qualify, limit, modify, leaven, give a color to, introduce new conditions, narrow, temper.    waffle, quibble, hem and haw (be uncertain) 475; equivocate ... show more

Roget 900: resent, take amiss, take ill, take to heart, take offense, take umbrage, take huff, take exception; take in ill part, take in bad part, take in dudgeon; ne pas entendre raillerie [Fr.]; breathe revenge, cut up rough.    ... show more

Roget 932: disapprove; dislike etc. 867; lament etc. 839; object to, take exception to; be scandalized at, think ill of; view with disfavor, view with dark eyes, view with jaundiced eyes; ... show more

Dutch: wraken

Moby thesaurus: agree to differ, agree to disagree, ban, be at variance, be in dissent, beg to differ, blackball, carp, catch at straws, categorically reject, cavil, cut up, differ, disagree, disagree with, disallow, disapprove, disapprove of, discord with, disfavor ... show more.

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