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Roget category 469

4. Words relating to the intellectual faculties
4.3. Materials for reasoning

#469. Qualification


qualification, limitation, modification, coloring.
allowance, grains of allowance, consideration, extenuating circumstancesmitigation.
condition, proviso, prerequisite, contingency, stipulation, provision, specification, sine qua non [Lat.]catch, string, strings attachedexemptionexception, escape clause, salvo, saving clausediscount etc. 813restrictionfine print.


qualify, limit, modify, leaven, give a color to, introduce new conditions, narrow, temper.
waffle, quibble, hem and haw (be uncertain) 475equivocate (sophistry) 477.
depend, depend on, be contingent on (effect) 154.
allow for, make allowance foradmit exceptions, take into accountmodulate.
moderate, temper, season, leaven.
take exception.


qualifying etc. v. — qualified, conditioned, restricted, hedgedconditionalexceptional etc. (unconformable) 83.
hypothetical etc. (supposed) 514contingent etc. (uncertain) 475.


provided, provided that, provided alwaysif, unless, but, yetaccording asconditionally, admitting, supposingon the supposition of etc. (theoretically) 514with the understanding, even, although, though, for all that, after all, at all events.
approximately etc. 197, 17in a limited degree (smallness) 32somewhat, sort of, something like that, to a certain extent, to a degree, in a sense, so to speak.
with grains of allowance, cum grano salis [Lat.], with a grain of saltexceptis excipiendis [Lat.]wind and weather permittingif possible etc. 470.
subject to, conditioned uponwith this proviso etc. n..


if the good lord is willing and the creeks don't if the good lord is willing and the creeks don't rise —" catch- 22.

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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