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1 hound

Any of several breeds of dog used for hunting typically having large drooping ears.

synonym: hound dog.

Roget 398: odor, smell, odorament, scent, effluvium; emanation, exhalation; fume, essence, trail, nidor, redolence.    sense of smell; ... show more

Roget 622: pursuit; pursuing etc. v.; prosecution; pursuance; enterprise etc. (undertaking) 676; business etc. 625; ... show more

Dutch: jachthond
Polish: gończak, pies gończy, tropowiec

2 hound

Someone who is morally reprehensible.

synonyms: blackguard, bounder, cad, dog, heel.

Roget 366: animal, animal kingdom; fauna; brute creation.    beast, brute, creature, critter [U.S.]; wight, created being; creeping thing, living thing; dumb animal, ... show more

Roget 949: bad man, wrongdoer, worker of iniquity; evildoer etc. 913; sinner; the wicked etc. 945; bad example.    villain, rascal, ... show more

Polish: bydlak, skurczybyk, bydlę


1 hound

Pursue or chase relentlessly:
— The detectives hounded the suspect until they found him.

synonyms: hunt, trace.

Roget 615: induce, move; draw, draw on; bring in its train, give an impulse etc. n.; to; inspire; put up to, prompt, call up; attract, ... show more

Roget 622: pursue, prosecute, follow; run after, make after, be after, hunt after, prowl after; shadow; carry on etc. (do) 680; engage in ... show more

Roget 907: be malevolent etc. adj.; bear spleen, harbor spleen, bear a grudge, harbor a grudge, bear malice; betray the cloven foot, show the cloven foot.    hurt etc. (physical pain) 378; ... show more

Dutch: drijven, jagen

Moby thesaurus: Afghan hound, Alaskan malamute, Bedlington terrier, Border terrier, Boston bull, Cairn terrier, Chihuahua, Dalmatian, Doberman pinscher, English toy spaniel, Eskimo dog, Gordon setter, Great Dane, Great Pyrenees, Kerry blue terrier, Labrador retriever, Maltese, Newfoundland, Norwegian elkhound, Norwich terrier ... show more.

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