English synonyms about - contact  

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1 convict

A person serving a sentence in a jail or prison.

synonyms: con, inmate, yard bird, yardbird.

Roget 949: bad man, wrongdoer, worker of iniquity; evildoer etc. 913; sinner; the wicked etc. 945; bad example.    villain, rascal, ... show more

Dutch: bajesklant, convict
Polish: wyrokowiec

2 convict

A person who has been convicted of a criminal offense.

Dutch: strafkolonist, veroordeelde


1 convict

Find or declare guilty.

Roget 971: condemn, convict, cast, bring home to, find guilty, damn, doom, sign the death warrant, sentence, pass sentence on, attaint, confiscate, proscribe, sequestrate; ... show more

Roget 484: believe, credit; give faith to, give credit to, credence to; see, realize; assume, receive; set down for, take for; have it, take it; ... show more

Dutch: veroordelen

Moby thesaurus: Judas, POW, acquit, anathematize, assure, attaint, be convincing, betrayer, blacklist, bring home to, bring over, bring round, bring to reason, cageling, captive, carry conviction, censure, chain gang, con, condemn ... show more.

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