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1 gear

A toothed wheel that engages another toothed mechanism in order to change the speed or direction of transmitted motion.

synonyms: cogwheel, gear wheel, geared wheel.

Roget 225: clothing, investment; covering etc. 223; dress, raiment, drapery, costume, attire, guise, toilet, toilette, trim; ... show more

Roget 312: rotation, revolution, spinning, gyration, turning about an axis, turning aound an axis, circulation, roll; circumrotation, circumvolution, circumgyration; volutation, circination, turbination, ... show more

Dutch: kamrad, kamwiel, rad, rondsel, tandrad, tandwiel
Polish: koło zębate

2 gear

Wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed:
— The fool got his tie caught in the geartrain.

synonyms: gearing, geartrain, power train, train.

Dutch: trein, derailleur

3 gear

A mechanism for transmitting motion for some specific purpose (as the steering gear of a vehicle).

synonym: gear mechanism.

Dutch: versnelling
Polish: przekładnia

4 gear

Equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles needed for a particular operation or sport etc..

synonyms: appurtenance, paraphernalia.

Roget 633: machinery, mechanism, engineering.    instrument, organ, tool, implement, utensil, machine, engine, lathe, gin, mill; air engine, ... show more

Dutch: spullen, onderdelen, spulletjes, versnelling, overbrenging, accessoire, accessoires, parafernalia, toebehoren
Polish: ekwipunek, rynsztunek


1 gear

Set the level or character of.

synonym: pitch.

Moby thesaurus: Hydromatic, accessories, accommodate, accouter, accouterments, action, adapt, adjust, apparatus, apparel, appendages, appliances, appoint, appointments, appurtenances, arm, armament, array, attire, automatic transmission ... show more.

Find more on gear elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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