English synonyms about - contact  



1 chattel

Personal as opposed to real property; any tangible movable property (furniture or domestic animals or a car etc).

synonyms: movable, personal chattel.

Dutch: roerend goed, goed, have
Polish: majątek ruchomy, rzecz ruchoma, ruchomość

Moby thesaurus: acquest, belongings, bondmaid, bondman, bondslave, bondsman, bondswoman, captive, chattel slave, chattels, churl, concubine, debt slave, effects, estate and effects, galley slave, goods, havings, helot, hereditament ... show more.

Find more on chattel elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 633: machinery, mechanism, engineering.    instrument, organ, tool, implement, utensil, machine, engine, lathe, gin, mill; air engine, ... show more

Roget 780: property, possession, suum cuique [Lat.], meum et tuum [Lat.].    ownership, proprietorship, lordship; seignority; empire etc. (dominion) 737.    interest, stake, ... show more

Find more on chattels elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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