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Roget category 450

4. Words relating to the intellectual faculties
4.1. Operations of intellect in general

#450. Intellect


intellect, mind, understanding, reason, thinking principlerationalitycogitative faculties, cognitive faculties, discursive faculties, reasoning faculties, intellectual facultiesfaculties, senses, consciousness, observation, percipience, intelligence, intellection, intuition, association of ideas, instinct, conception, judgment, wits, parts, capacity, intellectuality, geniusbrains, cognitive powers, intellectual powerswit etc. 498ability etc. (skill) 698wisdom etc. 498Vernunft [G.], Verstand [G.].
soul, spirit, ghost, inner man, heart, breast, bosom, penetralia mentis [Lat.], divina particula aurae [Lat.], heart's corethe Absolute, psyche, subliminal consciousness, supreme principle.
brain, organ of thought, seat of thoughtsensorium, sensoryhead, headpiecepate, noddle, noggin, skull, scull, pericranium [Med.], cerebrum, cranium, brainpan, sconce, upper story.
[in computers] [Comp.] central processing unit, CPUarithmetic and logical unit, ALU.
[Science of mind] metaphysicspsychics, psychologyideologymental philosophy, moral philosophyphilosophy of the mindpneumatology, phrenologycraniology [Med.], cranioscopy [Med.].
ideality, idealismtranscendentalism, spiritualismimmateriality etc. 317universal concept, universal conception.
metaphysician, psychologist etc.


note, notice, marktake notice of, take cognizance of be aware of, be conscious ofrealizeappreciateruminate etc. (think) 451fancy etc. (imagine) 515.


intellectual [Relating to intellect], mental, rational, subjective, metaphysical, nooscopic, spiritualghostlypsychical, psychologicalcerebralanimasticbrainyhyperphysical, superphysicalsubconscious, subliminal.
immaterial etc. 317endowed with reason.


in petto.


ens rationis [Lat.]frons est animi janua [Lat.] [Cicero]; locos y ninos dicen la verdad [Sp.]mens sola loco non exulat [Lat.] [Ovid]; my mind is my kingdom" [Campbell]; stern men with empires in their brains" [Lowell]; the mind, the music breathing from her face" [Byron]; thou living ray of intellectual Fire" [Falconer].

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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