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1 easiness

A feeling of refreshing tranquility and an absence of tension or worry:
— The easiness we feel when sleeping.

synonym: relaxation.

Polish: odprężenie, relaks, relaksacja, rozluźnienie, spadek napięcia, ukojenie, ulga, uspokojenie, wyciszenie, wytchnienie

2 easiness

Freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort:
— The very easiness of the deed held her back.

synonyms: ease, simpleness, simplicity.

Roget 705: facility, ease; easiness etc. adj.; capability; feasibility etc. (practicability) 470; flexibility, pliancy etc. 324; ... show more

Polish: elementarność, łatwość, prostota

3 easiness

The quality of being easy in behavior or style.

Dutch: gemakkelijkheid

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