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1 vitality

An energetic style.

synonym: verve.

Roget 150: stability; immutability etc. adj.; unchangeability, etc. adj.; unchangeableness; constancy; stable equilibrium, immobility, soundness, vitality, stabiliment, ... show more

Dutch: sappigheid, levendigheid, levenskracht, vitaliteit
Polish: werwa

2 vitality

A healthy capacity for vigorous activity.

synonyms: energy, vim.

Roget 159: strength; power etc. 157; energy etc. 171; vigor, force; main force, physical force, brute force; spring, elasticity, ... show more

3 vitality

biology A hypothetical force (not physical or chemical) once thought by Henri Bergson to cause the evolution and development of organisms.

synonyms: elan vital, life force, vital force.

Roget 359: life, vitality, viability; animation; vital spark, vital flame, soul, spirit.    respiration, wind; breath of life, breath of one's nostrils; oxygen, air.    ... show more

Dutch: levenskracht, levensbeginsel

4 vitality

The property of being able to survive and grow:
— The vitality of a seed.

synonym: animation.

Moby thesaurus: alacrity, amperage, animal spirits, animate existence, animation, anxiety, anxiousness, appetite, armipotence, authority, avidity, avidness, beef, being alive, birth, bite, bitingness, black power, breathless impatience, brute force ... show more.

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