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1 baste

A loose temporary sewing stitch to hold layers of fabric together.

synonyms: basting, basting stitch, tacking.

Roget 273: ship, vessel, sail; craft, bottom.    navy, marine, fleet, flotilla; shipping.    man of war etc. (combatant) 726; ... show more

Polish: fastryga


1 baste

Cover with liquid before cooking.

Roget 972: punish; chastise, chasten; castigate, correct, inflict punishment, administer correction, deal retributive justice; cowhide, lambaste [Slang].    visit upon, pay; pay out, serve out; ... show more

Dutch: bedruipen

2 baste

Strike violently and repeatedly.

synonyms: batter, clobber.

Roget 276: give an impetus etc. n.; impel, push; start, give a start to, set going; drive, urge, boom; thrust, prod, ... show more

3 baste

Sew together loosely, with large stitches:
— Baste a hem.

synonym: tack.

Moby thesaurus: bake, bang, barbecue, bastinado, batter, bawl out, beat, belabor, belt, berate, birch, blanch, boil, braise, brew, broil, brown, buffet, cane, chew out ... show more.

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