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1 impassive

Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited:
— Her impassive remoteness.
— He remained impassive, showing neither interest in nor concern for our plight.

synonym: stolid.

Roget 823: insensible, unconscious; impassive, impassible; blind to, deaf to, dead to; unsusceptible, insusceptible; unimpressionable, unimpressible; passionless, spiritless, heartless, ... show more

Roget 456: incurious, uninquisitive, indifferent; impassive etc. 823; uninterested, detached, aloof.   

Polish: beznamiętny, obojętny

2 impassive

Deliberately impassive in manner.

synonyms: deadpan, expressionless, poker-faced, unexpressive.

Moby thesaurus: Olympian, affectless, aloof, anesthetized, apathetic, arctic, at rest, autistic, backward, bashful, blank, blunt, bored, bovine, callous, calm, careless, catatonic, chill, chilled ... show more.

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