English synonyms about - contact  

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1 subjection

Forced submission to control by others.

synonym: subjugation.

Roget 743: obedience; observance etc. 772; compliance; submission etc. 725; subjection etc. 749; nonresistance; passiveness, ... show more

Roget 601: involuntariness; instinct, blind impulse; inborn proclivity, innate proclivity; native tendency, natural tendency; natural impulse, predetermination.    necessity, necessitation; obligation; compulsion etc. ... show more

Polish: uzależnienie, podległość, zniewolenie, zależność, jarzmo

2 subjection

The act of conquering.

synonyms: conquering, conquest, subjugation.

Roget 749: subjection; dependence, dependency; subordination; thrall, thralldom, thraldom, enthrallment, subjugation, bondage, serfdom; feudalism, feudality; ... show more

Dutch: verovering, onderschikking, onderwerping, submissie
Polish: podbój

Moby thesaurus: acceptance, acquiescence, assent, back seat, complaisance, compliance, conquest, consent, deference, domination, enslavement, homage, humbleness, humbling, humiliation, humility, inferiority, juniority, kneeling, lowliness ... show more.

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