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1 gun

A weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel).

Roget 406: snap etc. v.; rapping etc. v.; decrepitation, crepitation; report, thud; burst, explosion, blast, boom, ... show more

Dutch: pistool, vuurwapen, geweer, kanon, stuk
Polish: giwera

2 gun

Large but transportable armament.

synonyms: artillery, heavy weapon, ordnance.

Roget 727: arm, arms; weapon, deadly weapon; armament, armaments, armature; panoply, stand of arms; armor etc. (defense) 717; armory ... show more

Dutch: artillerie, geschut, schiettuig
Polish: broń artyleryjska

3 gun

A person who shoots a gun (as regards their ability).

synonym: gunman.

4 gun

A professional killer who uses a gun.

synonyms: gun for hire, gunman, gunslinger, hired gun, hit man, hitman, shooter, torpedo, triggerman.

Roget 284: propulsion, projection; propelment; vis a tergo [Lat.], force from behind; push, shove etc. (impulse) 276; ejaculate; ejection etc. 297; ... show more

Dutch: huurdoder, huurmoordenaar

5 gun

A hand-operated pump that resembles a pistol; forces grease into parts of a machine.

synonym: grease gun.

Polish: smarownica

6 gun

A pedal that controls the throttle valve.

synonyms: accelerator, accelerator pedal, gas, gas pedal, throttle.

Polish: pedał gazu, akcelerator, gaz

7 gun

The discharge of a firearm as signal or as a salute in military ceremonies.


1 gun

Shoot with a gun.

Moby thesaurus: AA gun, Armstrong, BAR, BB gun, Benet-Mercie, Beretta, Big Bertha, Bren, Bren gun, Browning, Cain, Colt, Garand, Garand rifle, Garling, Gatling, Gatling gun, Hotchkiss, Krupp, Lancaster ... show more.

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