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1 engineer

A person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.

synonyms: applied scientist, technologist.

Roget 726: combatant; disputant, controversialist, polemic, litigant, belligerent; competitor, rival, corrival; fighter, assailant; champion, Paladin; mosstrooper, ... show more

Roget 463: experiment; essay etc. (attempt) 675; analysis etc. (investigation) 461; screen; trial, tentative method, t=atonnement.    verification, ... show more

Roget 690: doer, actor, agent, performer, perpetrator, operator; executor, executrix; practitioner, worker, stager.    bee, ant, working bee, ... show more

Dutch: technoloog, ingenieur, onderhoudstechnicus, techneut, technicus
Polish: inżynier

2 engineer

The operator of a railway locomotive.

synonyms: engine driver, locomotive engineer, railroad engineer.

Roget 268: traveler, wayfarer, voyager, itinerant, passenger, commuter.    tourist, excursionist, explorer, adventurer, mountaineer, hiker, backpacker, ... show more

Dutch: machinist
Polish: maszynista


1 engineer

Design as an engineer.

2 engineer

Plan and direct (a complex undertaking).

synonyms: direct, mastermind, orchestrate, organise, organize.

Moby thesaurus: Seabee, accomplish, achieve, act, aeronautical engineer, agent, agricultural engineer, ancestors, angle, apprentice, architect, arrange, artificer, artist, author, automotive engineer, be productive, be responsible for, begetter, beginner ... show more.

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