English synonyms about - contact  

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1 disclose

Make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret:
— The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold.

synonyms: break, bring out, discover, divulge, expose, give away, let on, let out, reveal, uncover ... show more.

Roget 480a: discover, find, determine, evolve, learn etc. 539; fix upon; pick up; find out, trace out, make out, hunt out, fish out, ... show more

Roget 525: make manifest, render manifest etc. adj.; bring forth, bring forward, bring to the front, bring into view; give notice; express; represent, set forth, exhibit; show, ... show more

Roget 527: tell; inform, inform of; acquaint, acquaint with; impart, impart to; make acquaintance with, apprise, advise, enlighten, awaken; transmit.    ... show more

Roget 529: disclose, discover, dismask; draw the veil, draw aside the veil, lift the veil, raise the veil, lift up the veil, remove the veil, tear aside the veil, tear the curtain; unmask, unveil, unfold, ... show more

Dutch: blootleggen, ontboezemen, onthullen, ontsluieren, openbaren, reveleren, uitgieten, uitstorten

2 disclose

Reveal to view as by removing a cover:
— The curtain rose to disclose a stunning set.

synonyms: expose, uncover.

Moby thesaurus: acknowledge, acquaint, admit, advertise, advertise of, advise, affect, affirm, allege, apprise, argue, articulate, asseverate, attest, aver, avouch, avow, bare, be indicative of, be significant of ... show more.

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