English synonyms about - contact  

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1 con

An argument opposed to a proposal.

2 con

A person serving a sentence in a jail or prison.

synonyms: convict, inmate, yard bird, yardbird.

Dutch: bajesklant, convict
Polish: wyrokowiec

3 con

A swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property.

synonyms: bunco, bunco game, bunko, bunko game, con game, confidence game, confidence trick, flimflam, hustle, sting.


1 con

Deprive of by deceit.

synonyms: bunco, defraud, diddle, goldbrick, hornswoggle, mulct, nobble, rook, scam, short-change ... show more.

2 con

Commit to memory; learn by heart.

synonyms: learn, memorise, memorize.

Roget 505: remember, mind; retain the memory of, retain the remembrance of; keep in view.    recognize, recollect, bethink oneself, recall, call up, retrace; look back, trace back, ... show more

Dutch: memoriseren


1 con

In opposition to a proposition, opinion, etc..

Roget 488: yes, yea, ay, aye, true; good; well; very well, very true; well and good; granted; even so, just so; ... show more

Moby thesaurus: POW, adversary, adversative, adverse, against, alien, antagonistic, anti, antipathetic, antithetic, argue into, argument, argumentum, aye, beat, beguile of, bilk, bone, bring over, bring round ... show more.

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