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1 reversion

law An interest in an estate that reverts to the grantor (or his heirs) at the end of some period (e.g., the death of the grantee).

Roget 777: possession, seizin [Law], seisin [Law]; ownership etc. 780; occupancy; hold, holding; tenure, tenancy, feodality, dependency; villenage, ... show more

Roget 780: property, possession, suum cuique [Lat.], meum et tuum [Lat.].    ownership, proprietorship, lordship; seignority; empire etc. (dominion) 737.    interest, stake, ... show more

Roget 790: restitution, return; rendition, reddition; restoration; reinvestment, recuperation; rehabilitation etc. (reconstruction) 660; reparation, atonement; compensation, ... show more

Roget 117: posteriority; succession, sequence; following etc. 281; subsequence, supervention; futurity etc. 121; successor; sequel ... show more

Roget 783: transfer, conveyance, assignment, alienation, abalienation; demise, limitation; conveyancing; transmission etc. (transference) 270; enfeoffment, bargain and sale, ... show more

2 reversion

genetics A return to a normal phenotype (usually resulting from a second mutation).

3 reversion

A reappearance of an earlier characteristic.

synonyms: atavism, throwback.

Dutch: atavisme, terugslag
Polish: atawizm

4 reversion

Turning in the opposite direction.

synonyms: reversal, reverse, turnabout, turnaround.

5 reversion

Returning to a former state.

synonyms: regress, regression, retrogression, retroversion.

Roget 218: inversion, eversion, subversion, reversion, retroversion, introversion; contraposition etc. 237; contrariety etc. 14; reversal; ... show more

Roget 145: reversion, return; revulsion.    turning point, turn of the tide; status quo ante bellum; calm before a storm.    alternation etc. (periodicity) 138; inversion etc. ... show more

Dutch: teruggang, terugkeer
Polish: retrogresja

6 reversion

A failure to maintain a higher state.

synonyms: backsliding, lapse, lapsing, relapse, relapsing, reverting.

Dutch: hapering

Moby thesaurus: about-face, about-turn, atavism, back track, back trail, backing, backing off, backing out, backing up, backset, backsliding, backup, backward deviation, bequeathal, bequest, birthright, borough-English, coheirship, coparcenary, copyhold ... show more.

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