absolute interest
Roget 780: property, possession, suum cuique [Lat.], meum et tuum [Lat.]. ownership, proprietorship, lordship; seignority†; empire etc. (dominion) 737. interest, stake, estate, right, title, claim, demand, holding; tenure etc. (possession) 777; vested interest, contingent interest, beneficial interest, equitable interest; use, trust, benefit; legal estate, equitable estate; seizin [Law], seisin [Law]. absolute interest, paramount estate, freehold; fee tail, fee simple; estate in fee, estate in tail, estate tail; estate in tail male, estate in tail female, estate in tail general. limitation, term, lease, settlement, strict settlement, particular estate; estate for life, estate for years, estate pur autre vie [Fr.]; remainder, reversion, expectancy, possibility. dower, dowry, jointure†, appanage, inheritance, heritage, patrimony, alimony; legacy etc. (gift) 784; Falcidian law, paternal estate, thirds. assets, belongings, means, resources, circumstances; wealth etc. 803; money etc. 800; what one is worth, what one will cut up for; estate and effects. landed property, landed real estate property; realty; land, lands; tenements; hereditaments; corporeal hereditaments, incorporeal hereditaments; acres; ground etc. (earth) 342; acquest†, messuage, toft†. territory, state, kingdom, principality, realm, empire, protectorate, sphere of influence. manor, honor, domain, demesne; farm, plantation, hacienda; allodium etc. (free) 748†; fief, fieff†, feoff†, feud, zemindary†, dependency; arado†, merestead†, ranch. free lease-holds, copy lease-holds; folkland†; chattels real; fixtures, plant, heirloom; easement; right of common, right of user. personal property, personal estate, personal effects; personalty, chattels, goods, effects, movables; stock, stock in trade; things, traps, rattletraps, paraphernalia; equipage etc. 633. parcels, appurtenances. impedimenta; luggage, baggage; bag and baggage; pelf; cargo, lading. rent roll; income etc. (receipts) 810; maul and wedges [U.S.]. patent, copyright; chose in action; credit etc. 805; debt etc. 806. ... show more
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