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1 judgment

An opinion formed by judging something:
— He was reluctant to make his judgment known.

synonyms: judgement, mind.

Roget 971: condemnation, conviction, judgment, penalty, sentence; proscription, damnation; death warrant.    attainder, attainture, attaintment.   

Roget 976: Deity, Divinity; Godhead, Godship; Omnipotence, Providence; Heaven (metonymically). [Quality of being divine] divineness, divinity.    God, Lord, Jehovah, ... show more

Roget 972: punishment, punition; chastisement, chastening; correction, castigation.    discipline, infliction, trial; judgment; penalty etc. 974; retribution; ... show more

Roget 450: intellect, mind, understanding, reason, thinking principle; rationality; cogitative faculties, cognitive faculties, discursive faculties, reasoning faculties, intellectual faculties; faculties, senses, ... show more

Polish: sąd

2 judgment

The act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event:
— They criticized my judgment of the contestants.

synonyms: assessment, judgement.

Roget 480: result, conclusion, upshot; deduction, inference, ergotism [Med.]; illation; corollary, porism; moral.    estimation, valuation, appreciation, judication; ... show more

Dutch: beoordeling, afweging, gezond oordeel, evaluatie, inschatting, nabeschouwing

3 judgment

law The determination by a court of competent jurisdiction on matters submitted to it.

synonyms: judgement, judicial decision.

Dutch: uitspraak, judicium, oordeel, vonnis, wijzing

4 judgment

The cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions.

synonyms: judgement, judging.

5 judgment

The legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision.

synonyms: judgement, legal opinion, opinion.

Dutch: conclusie
Polish: decyzja

6 judgment

The capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions.

synonyms: judgement, perspicacity, sound judgement, sound judgment.

Polish: przenikliwość

7 judgment

The mental ability to understand and discriminate between relations.

synonyms: discernment, judgement, sagaciousness, sagacity.

Roget 465: discrimination, distinction, differentiation, diagnosis, diorism; nice perception; perception of difference, appreciation of difference; estimation etc. 466; nicety, refinement; ... show more

Roget 498: intelligence, capacity, comprehension, understanding; cuteness, sabe [U.S.], savvy [U.S.]; intellect etc. 450; nous [Fr.], parts, sagacity, mother wit, ... show more

Roget 850: taste; good taste, refined taste, cultivated taste; delicacy, refinement, fine feeling, gust, gusto, tact, finesse; nicety etc. (discrimination) ... show more

Moby thesaurus: acquittal, acumen, anathematizing, appraisal, appraisement, assessment, assumption, astuteness, attitude, belief, castigation, censure, chastening, chastisement, circumspection, circumspectness, climate of opinion, common belief, common sense, community sentiment ... show more.

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