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1 umpire

An official at a baseball game.

synonym: ump.

Dutch: arbiter, fluitist, scheids, umpire

2 umpire

Someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue:
— An umpire was appointed to settle the tax case.

synonyms: arbiter, arbitrator.

Roget 480: result, conclusion, upshot; deduction, inference, ergotism [Med.]; illation; corollary, porism; moral.    estimation, valuation, appreciation, judication; ... show more

Roget 724: mediation, mediatorship, mediatization; intervention, interposition, interference, intermeddling, intercession; arbitration; flag of truce etc. 723; good offices, peace offering; ... show more

Roget 967: judge; justice, justiciar, justiciary; chancellor; justice of assize, judge of assize; recorder, common sergeant; puisne judge, assistant judge, county court judge; conservator of the peace, justice of the peace; ... show more

Dutch: bemiddelaar, scheidsrechter, arbiter
Polish: osÄ…dziciel


1 umpire

Be a referee or umpire in a sports competition.

synonym: referee.

Dutch: scheidsrechter, arbitreren, fluiten, scheidsrechteren

Moby thesaurus: JP, Justice, act between, adjudge, adjudicate, adjudicator, arbiter, arbitrate, arbitrator, bargain, bencher, critic, go between, hear, his honor, his lordship, his worship, hold court, hold the scales, impartial arbitrator ... show more.

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