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1 happy

Enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure.

Roget 134: opportune, timely, well-timed, timeful, seasonable.    providential, lucky, fortunate, happy, favorable, propitious, auspicious, critical; suitable ... show more

Roget 836: cheerful; happy etc. 827; cheery, cheerly; of good cheer, smiling; blithe; in spirits, in good spirits; breezy, bully, chipper [U.S.]; ... show more

Polish: szczęśliwy

2 happy

Marked by good fortune:
— A happy outcome.

synonym: felicitous.

Roget 23: agreeing, suiting etc. v.; in accord, accordant, concordant, consonant, congruous, consentaneous, correspondent, congenial; coherent; ... show more

Roget 578: elegant, polished, classical, Attic, correct, Ciceronian, artistic; chaste, pure, Saxon, academical.    graceful, easy, readable, ... show more

3 happy

Eagerly disposed to act or to be of service.

synonym: glad.

Roget 827: pleased etc. 829; not sorry; glad, gladsome; pleased as Punch.    happy, blest, blessed, blissful, beatified; happy as a clam at high water [U.S.], happy as a clam, ... show more

4 happy

Well expressed and to the point:
— A happy turn of phrase.

synonym: well-chosen.

Moby thesaurus: a propos, accepting, accidental, ad rem, adapted, addled, advantageous, advisable, applicable, apposite, appropriate, apropos, apt, at ease, auspicious, beaming, beatific, beatified, becoming, beery ... show more.

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