English synonyms about - contact  


Roget category 831

6. Words relating to the sentient and moral
6.2. Personal affections
›› 6.2.1. Passive affections

#831. Content


content, contentment, contentednesscomplacency, satisfaction, entire satisfaction, ease, heart's ease, peace of mindserenity etc. 826cheerfulness etc. 836ray of comfortcomfort etc. (well-being) 827.
reconciliationresignation etc. (patience) 826.
[person who is contented] waiter on Providence.


be content etc. adj. — rest satisfied, rest and be thankfultake the good the gods provide, let well alone, let well enough alone, feel oneself at home, hug oneself, lay the flattering unction to one's soul.
take up with, take in good partaccept, tolerateconsent etc. 762acquiesce, assent etc. 488be reconciled to, make one's peace withget over ittake heart, take comfortput up with etc. (bear) 826.
render content etc. adj. — set at ease, comfortset one's heart at ease, set one's mind at ease, set one's heart at rest, set one's mind at restspeak peaceconciliate, reconcile, win over, propitiate, disarm, beguilecontent, satisfygratify etc. 829.
be tolerated etc. 826go down, go down well, go down withdobe OK.


content, contentedsatisfied etc. v. — at ease, at one's ease, at homewith the mind at ease, sans souci [Fr.], sine cura [Lat.], easygoing, not particularconciliatoryunrepining, of good comfortresigned etc. (patient) 826cheerful etc. 836.
unafflicted, unvexed, unmolested, unplaguedserene etc. 826at rest, snug, comfortablein one's element.
satisfactory, tolerable, good enough, OK, all right, acceptable.


contently, contentedly, to one's heart's contenta la bonne heure [Fr.]all for the best.


amen etc. (assent) 488very well, all the better, so much the better, well and goodit will do, that will doit cannot be helped.


nothing comes amiss.
a heart with room for every joy" [Bailey]; ich habe genossen das irdische Gluck ich habe gelebt ich habe genossen das irdische Gluck ich habe gelebt und geliebet [G.] [Schiller]; nor cast one longing lingering look behind" [Gray]; shut up in measureless content" [Macbeth]; sweet are the thoughts that savor of content" [R. Greene]; their wants but few their wishes all their wants but few their wishes all confined" [Goldsmith]; might as well relax and enjoy it.

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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