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1 genteel

Marked by refinement in taste and manners:
— A genteel old lady.

synonyms: civilised, civilized, cultivated, cultured, polite.

Roget 852: fashionable; in fashion etc. n.; a la mode, comme il faut [Fr.]; admitted in society, admissible in society etc. n.; presentable; conventional etc. (customary) ... show more

Roget 875: noble, exalted; of rank etc. n.; princely, titled, patrician, aristocratic; high-, well-born; of gentle blood; genteel, comme il faut [Fr.], ... show more

Polish: grzeczny

Moby thesaurus: Victorian, affected, appropriate, aristocratic, artificial, becoming, blue-blooded, braw, cavalier, chic, chivalrous, civil, classy, clothes-conscious, confined, cosmopolitan, county, courteous, courtly, cultivated ... show more.

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