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1 easement

law The privilege of using something that is not your own (as using another's land as a right of way to your own land).

Roget 780: property, possession, suum cuique [Lat.], meum et tuum [Lat.].    ownership, proprietorship, lordship; seignority; empire etc. (dominion) 737.    interest, stake, ... show more

Dutch: gebruiksrecht, servituut, erfdienstbaarheid
Polish: serwitut, służebność

2 easement

The act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance).

synonyms: alleviation, easing, relief.

Roget 834: relief; deliverance; refreshment etc. 689; easement, softening, alleviation, mitigation, palliation, soothing, lullaby.    solace, ... show more

Dutch: bevrijding, leniging, ontlasting, opluchting, verademing, verlichting
Polish: łagodnienie

Moby thesaurus: abatement, absolute interest, aid and comfort, allayment, alleviation, analgesia, anesthesia, anesthetizing, appeasement, assuagement, assurance, benefit, claim, comfort, common, condolence, consolation, contingent interest, deadening, diminishment ... show more.

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