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1 cove

A small inlet.

Roget 343: land covered with water, gulf, gulph, bay, inlet, bight, estuary, arm of the sea, bayou [U.S.], fiord, armlet; frith, firth, ostiary, ... show more

Roget 191: receptacle; inclosure etc. 232; recipient, receiver, reservatory.    compartment; cell, cellule; follicle; hole, corner, niche, ... show more

Roget 252: concavity, depression, dip; hollow, hollowness; indentation, intaglio, cavity, dent, dint, dimple, follicle, pit, sinus, ... show more

Polish: cove

2 cove

Small or narrow cave in the side of a cliff or mountain.

Dutch: baai, inham

Moby thesaurus: Adamite, abri, alcove, antre, apse, arcade, arcature, arch, arched roof, archway, arm, armlet, bastard, bay, bayou, being, belt, bight, bird, boca ... show more.

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