English synonyms about - contact  

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1 correspond

Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics.

synonyms: agree, check, fit, gibe, jibe, match, tally.

Roget 23: be accordant etc. adj.; agree, accord, harmonize; correspond, tally, respond; meet, suit, fit, befit, ... show more

Dutch: overeenkomen, overeenstemmen, rijmen, sluiten, stroken

2 correspond

Be equivalent or parallel, in mathematics.

synonym: equate.

Dutch: gelijkstellen

3 correspond

Exchange messages.

4 correspond

Take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to.

synonyms: represent, stand for.

Dutch: vertegenwoordigen

Moby thesaurus: accommodate, accommodate with, accord, adapt, adapt to, adjust, adjust to, affect, agree, agree with, align, amount to, answer, answer to, ape, appear like, appertain to, apply to, approach, approximate ... show more.

Find more on correspond elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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