1 connive
Encourage or assent to illegally or criminally.
2 connive
Form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner.
synonyms: intrigue, scheme.
Dutch: intrigeren, kuipen
Moby thesaurus: accord, agree, angle, associate, be in cahoots, blink at, brew, cabal, coact, coadunate, cogitate, coincide, collaborate, collogue, collude, combine, complot, concoct, concur, condone, conjoin, conspire, contrive, cook up, cooperate, correspond, countermine, counterplot, devise, disregard, engineer, finagle, finesse, frame, frame up, happen together, harmonize, hatch, hatch a plot, hatch up, ignore, intrigue, join, lay a plot, machinate, maneuver, operate, overlook, plot, regard with indulgence, rig, scheme, synchronize, synergize, tolerate, unite, wangle, wink at ... show more.
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