English synonyms about - contact  

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1 destroyed

Spoiled or ruined or demolished.

Roget 162: destroyed etc. v.; perishing etc. v.; trembling to its fall, nodding to its fall, tottering to its fall; in course of destruction etc. n.; extinct.    all-destroying, ... show more

2 destroyed

Destroyed physically or morally.

synonym: ruined.

Roget 732: unsuccessful, successless; failing, tripping etc. v.; at fault; unfortunate etc. 735.    abortive, addle, stillborn; fruitless, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: ausgespielt, bankrupt, blasted, blighted, botched, broken, desolated, devastated, done for, done in, down-and-out, fallen, finished, gone to pot, in ruins, irremediable, kaput, marred, overthrown, ravaged ... show more.

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