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1 pout

A disdainful grimace.

synonyms: moue, wry face.

Dutch: pruillip

2 pout

Marine eellike mostly bottom-dwelling fishes of northern seas.

synonym: eelpout.

Dutch: puitaal
Polish: węgorzycowate

3 pout

Catfish common in eastern United States.

synonyms: Ameiurus Melas, horned pout, hornpout.


1 pout

Be in a huff and display one's displeasure:
— She is pouting because she didn't get what she wanted.

synonyms: brood, sulk.

Roget 901a: be sullen etc. adj.; sulk; frown, scowl, lower, glower, gloam, pout, have a hangdog look, glout.   

Roget 250: be prominent etc. adj.; project, bulge, protrude, pout, bouge [Fr.], bunch; jut out, stand out, stick out, poke out; stick up, ... show more

Roget 837: be dejected etc. adj.; grieve; mourn etc. (lament) 839; take on, give way, lose heart, despond, droop, sink.    ... show more

Roget 895: be rude etc. adj.; insult etc. 929; treat with discourtesy; take a name in vain; make bold with, make free with; take a liberty; stare out of countenance, ogle, point at, ... show more

Roget 900: resent, take amiss, take ill, take to heart, take offense, take umbrage, take huff, take exception; take in ill part, take in bad part, take in dudgeon; ne pas entendre raillerie [Fr.]; breathe revenge, cut up rough.    ... show more

2 pout

Make a sad face and thrust out one's lower lip:
— The girl pouted.

synonyms: mop, mow.

Moby thesaurus: bag, balloon, beetle, belly, belly out, bilge, billow, bouge, brood, bug, bulge, dilate, distend, frown, gloom, glower, goggle, grimace, grump, jut ... show more.

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