English synonyms about - contact  

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1 lean

The property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical.

synonyms: inclination, leaning, list, tilt.

Polish: nachylenie, spadzistość, spad


1 lean

To incline or bend from a vertical position:
— She leaned over the banister.

synonyms: angle, slant, tilt, tip.

Dutch: leunen, overhangen, overhellen, uitwijken

2 lean

Cause to lean or incline.

3 lean

Have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined.

synonyms: be given, incline, run, tend.

Dutch: plegen, zwemen

4 lean

Rely on for support.

Dutch: aanleunen

5 lean

Cause to lean to the side.

synonym: list.


1 lean

Lacking excess flesh:
— Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look.

synonym: thin.

Roget 203: narrow, close; slender, thin, fine; thread-like etc. (filament) 205; finespun, gossamer; paper-thin; taper, ... show more

Polish: chudy

2 lean

Lacking in mineral content or combustible material.

3 lean

Containing little excess:
— A lean budget.

synonym: skimpy.

Polish: maciupki

4 lean

Not profitable or prosperous.

Polish: chudy, szczupły

Moby thesaurus: Lenten, Spartan, abstemious, acquiesce, agree, angular, angularity, arid, ascend, ascetic, austere, bad, bald, bank, bare, barren, be agreeable to, be dying to, be eager, be game ... show more.

Find more on lean elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 490: knowing etc. v.; cognitive; acroamatic.    aware of, cognizant of, conscious of; acquainted with, made acquainted with; privy to, no stranger to; au fait with, au courant; ... show more

Find more on leaned elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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