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1 scholastic

A person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit.

synonyms: bookworm, pedant.

Roget 983: theology (natural and revealed); theogony, theosophy; divinity; hagiology, hagiography; Caucasian mystery; monotheism; religion; religious persuasion, religious sect, religious denomination; ... show more

Dutch: weetal, boekenwurm, wijsneus

2 Scholastic

A Scholastic philosopher or theologian.

Polish: scholastyk


1 scholastic

Of or relating to schools.

Roget 537: teaching etc. v.; taught etc. v.; educational; scholastic, academic, doctrinal; disciplinal; instructive, instructional, didactic; ... show more

Roget 490: knowing etc. v.; cognitive; acroamatic.    aware of, cognizant of, conscious of; acquainted with, made acquainted with; privy to, no stranger to; au fait with, au courant; ... show more

Roget 539: studious; scholastic, scholarly; teachable; docile etc. (willing) 602; apt etc. 698, industrious etc. 682.    ... show more

Roget 542: scholastic, academic, collegiate; educational.   

Polish: szkolny

2 scholastic

Of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of scholasticism.

Polish: scholastyczny

Moby thesaurus: Cyrenaic, Eleatic, Epicurean, Megarian, Stoic, abstruse, academic, academician, animist, animistic, atomistic, bibliophagic, bluestocking, book-fed, book-learned, book-loving, book-minded, book-read, book-wise, bookish ... show more.

Find more on scholastic elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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