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1 longevity

Duration of service:
— Her longevity as a star.
— Had unusual longevity in the company.

synonym: length of service.

Roget 110: diuturnity; a long time, a length of time; an age, a century, an eternity; slowness etc. 275; perpetuity etc. 112; blue moon, ... show more

Polish: długoterminowość

2 longevity

The property of being long-lived.

synonym: seniority.

Roget 128: age; oldness etc. adj.; old age, advanced age, golden years; senility, senescence; years, anility, gray hairs, climacteric, grand climacteric, ... show more

Dutch: levensduur
Polish: długowieczność

Moby thesaurus: abidingness, advanced age, advanced years, age, age of retirement, an incurable disease, anility, animal spirits, animate existence, animation, antiquity, being alive, birth, caducity, constancy, continuance, debility, decline of life, declining years, decrepitude ... show more.

Find more on longevity elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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