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Roget category 359

3. Words relating to matter
3.3. Organic matter
›› 3.3.1. Vitality

#359. Life


life, vitality, viabilityanimationvital spark, vital flame, soul, spirit.
respiration, windbreath of life, breath of one's nostrilsoxygen, air.
[devices to sustain respiration] respirator, artificial respirator, heart and lung machine, iron lungmedical devices etc. 662.
lifebloodArcheus existence etc. 1.
vivificationvital forcevitalizationrevivification etc. 163Prometheuslife to come etc. (destiny) 152.
[Science of life] physiology, biologyanimal ecology.
nourishment, staff of life etc. (food) 298.
genetics, heredity, inheritance, evolution, natural selection, reproduction (production) 161.
microbe, aerobe, anaerobe, facultative anaerobe, obligate aerobe, obligate anaerobe, halophile [Micro.], methanogen [Micro.], archaebacteria [Micro.], microaerophile [Micro.].
animal etc. 366vegetable etc. 367.
artificial life, robot, robotics, artificial intelligence.
[vital signs] breathing, breathing rate, heartbeat, pulse, temperature.
preservation of life, healing (medicine) 662.


be alive etc. adj. — live, breathe, respiresubsist etc. (exist) 1walk the earth, strut and fret one's hour upon the stage" [Macbeth]; be spared.
see the light, be born, come into the world, fetch breath, draw breath, fetch the breath of life, draw the breath of lifequickenrevivecome to life.
give birth to etc. (produce) 161bring to life, put into life, vitalizevivify, vivificatereanimate etc. (restore) 660keep alive, keep body and soul together, keep the wolf from the doorsupport life.
hive nine lives like a cat.


living, alivein life, in the flesh, in the land of the livingon this side of the grave, above ground, breathing, quick, animatedanimativelively etc. (active) 682all alive and kickingtenacious of lifefull of life, yeasty.
vital, vitalicvivifying, vivified, etc. v. — viable, zoeticPromethean.


vivendi causa [Lat.].


atqui vivere militare est [Lat.] [Seneca]; non est vivere sed valere vita [Lat.] [Marial].

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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