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1 torpor

A state of motor and mental inactivity with a partial suspension of sensibility:
— He fell into a deep torpor.

synonym: torpidity.

Roget 823: insensibility, insensibleness; moral insensibility; inertness, inertia; vis inertiae [Lat.]; impassibility, impassibleness; inappetency, apathy, phlegm, dullness, hebetude, supineness, ... show more

Roget 683: inactivity; inaction etc. 681; inertness etc. 172; obstinacy etc. 606.    lull etc. (cessation) ... show more

Roget 172: inertness, dullness etc. adj.; inertia, vis inertiae [Lat.], inertion, inactivity, torpor, languor; quiescence etc. 265; ... show more

Dutch: verstarring
Polish: demobilizacja

2 torpor

Inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy.

synonyms: listlessness, torpidity, torpidness.

Dutch: lusteloosheid

Moby thesaurus: abeyance, abidingness, acedia, aloofness, apathy, ataraxia, ataraxy, benumbedness, blah, blahs, boredom, catalepsy, catatonia, changelessness, coma, comatoseness, constancy, deadliness, deathliness, detachment ... show more.

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