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1 torpid

Slow and apathetic:
— A mind grown torpid in old age.

synonyms: inert, sluggish, soggy.

Roget 172: inert, inactive, passive; torpid etc. 683; sluggish, dull, heavy, flat, slack, tame, slow, ... show more

Roget 683: inactive; motionless etc. 265; unoccupied etc. (doing nothing) 681; unbusied.    indolent, lazy, slothful, idle, ... show more

Roget 823: insensible, unconscious; impassive, impassible; blind to, deaf to, dead to; unsusceptible, insusceptible; unimpressionable, unimpressible; passionless, spiritless, heartless, ... show more

Polish: ślamazarny, ślimaczy, ospały, żółwi, flegmatyczny, nieruchawy, nieruchliwy

2 torpid

In a condition of biological rest or suspended animation:
— Torpid frogs.

synonyms: dormant, hibernating.

Moby thesaurus: Laodicean, Olympian, abeyant, abiding, aloof, apathetic, benumbed, blah, blase, bored, cataleptic, catatonic, changeless, comatose, constant, continuing, dead, debilitated, desensitized, detached ... show more.

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