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1 asleep

In a state of sleep.

Roget 683: inactive; motionless etc. 265; unoccupied etc. (doing nothing) 681; unbusied.    indolent, lazy, slothful, idle, ... show more

2 asleep

Lacking sensation:
— My foot is asleep.

synonyms: benumbed, numb.

3 asleep


synonyms: at peace, at rest, deceased, departed, gone.


1 asleep

Into a sleeping state.

2 asleep

In the sleep of death.

Moby thesaurus: a stranger to, anesthetized, asleep in Jesus, at rest, benumbed, bereft of life, blind to, breathless, called home, callous, carrion, cataleptic, catatonic, caught napping, cold, comatose, croaked, dead, dead and gone, dead asleep ... show more.

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