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1 flatness

The property of having two dimensions.

synonyms: planeness, two-dimensionality.

Roget 329: structure (form) 240, organization, anatomy, frame, mold, fabric, construction; framework, carcass, architecture; stratification, ... show more

Roget 843: dullness, heaviness, flatness; infestivity etc. 837, stupidity etc. 499; want of originality; dearth of ideas.    prose, matter of fact; ... show more

Roget 213: horizontality; flatness; level, plane; stratum etc. 204; dead level, dead flat; level plane.    recumbency, lying down etc. v.; ... show more

Roget 251: flatness etc. adj.; smoothness etc. 255.    plane; level etc. 213; plate, platter, table, tablet, ... show more

Dutch: vlakheid
Polish: płaszczyznowość

2 flatness

A want of animation or brilliance.

3 flatness

A deficiency in flavor.

4 flatness

The property of having little or no contrast; lacking highlights or gloss.

synonyms: lusterlessness, lustrelessness, mat, matt, matte.

Polish: matowość

5 flatness

Inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy.

synonyms: languor, lethargy, phlegm, sluggishness.

Polish: opieszałość, niemrawość, powolność, ospałość

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