English synonyms about - contact  



1 insusceptible

Not susceptible to.

synonym: unsusceptible.

Roget 150: unchangeable, immutable; unaltered, unalterable; not to be changed, constant; permanent etc. 141; invariable, undeviating; stable, durable; perennial ... show more

Roget 823: insensible, unconscious; impassive, impassible; blind to, deaf to, dead to; unsusceptible, insusceptible; unimpressionable, unimpressible; passionless, spiritless, heartless, ... show more

Polish: niepodatny

Moby thesaurus: affectless, anesthetized, arctic, autistic, blunt, catatonic, chill, chilly, cold, cold as charity, cold-blooded, coldhearted, cool, dispassionate, drugged, dull, emotionally dead, emotionless, frigid, frosted ... show more.

Find more on insusceptible elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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