- nonage as a noun:
- 1
1 nonage
Any age prior to the legal age.
synonym: minority.
Roget 127: youth; juvenility, juvenescence†; juniority†; infancy; babyhood, childhood, boyhood, girlhood, youthhood†; incunabula; minority, nonage, teens, ... show more
Dutch: minderjarigheid, onvolwassenheid
Polish: małoletniość, niepełnoletniość, nieletniość, małoletność, niepełnoletność
Moby thesaurus: Nina from Carolina, callowness, dewiness, ennead, enneastyle, freshness, greenness, immaturity, inexperience, infancy, juiciness, juniority, minority, nine, nonagon, nonuplet, novena, rawness, sappiness, undevelopment ... show more.
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