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1 younger

Used of the younger of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a son from his father.

synonym: jr..

Roget 127: young, youthful, juvenile, green, callow, budding, sappy, puisne, beardless, under age, in one's teens; in statu pupillari [Lat.]; younger, junior; ... show more

Find more on younger elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 young

Any immature animal.

synonym: offspring.

Dutch: kind, nakomeling, jong, jonkie, kleintje

2 Young

United States film and television actress (1913-2000).

synonym: Loretta Young.

3 Young

United States civil rights leader (1921-1971).

synonyms: Whitney Moore Young Jr., Whitney Young.

4 Young

British physicist and Egyptologist; he revived the wave theory of light and proposed a three-component theory of color vision; he also played an important role in deciphering the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone (1773-1829).

synonym: Thomas Young.

5 Young

United States jazz tenor saxophonist (1909-1959).

synonyms: Lester Willis Young, Pres Young.

6 Young

English poet (1683-1765).

synonym: Edward Young.

7 Young

United States baseball player and famous pitcher (1867-1955).

synonyms: Cy Young, Danton True Young.

8 Young

United States religious leader of the Mormon Church after the assassination of Joseph Smith; he led the Mormon exodus from Illinois to Salt Lake City, Utah (1801-1877).

synonym: Brigham Young.

9 young

Young people collectively:
— Rock music appeals to the young.

synonym: youth.

Dutch: jongelieden, jongelui
Polish: młódź, młodzi, młodzież


1 young

used of living things especially persons In an early period of life or development or growth:
— Young people.

synonym: immature.

Roget 123: new, novel, recent, fresh, green; young etc. 127; evergreen; raw, immature, unsettled, yeasty; ... show more

Polish: młody

2 young

of crops Harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity:
— Young corn.

synonym: new.

3 young

Suggestive of youth; vigorous and fresh:
— He is young for his age.

synonyms: vernal, youthful.

Roget 127: young, youthful, juvenile, green, callow, budding, sappy, puisne, beardless, under age, in one's teens; in statu pupillari [Lat.]; younger, junior; ... show more

Polish: młody

4 young

Being in its early stage.

5 young

Not tried or tested by experience:
— A young hand at plowing.

synonyms: unseasoned, untested, untried.

Polish: nieopierzony

Moby thesaurus: adolescent, babies, babyhood, babyish, boyhood, boyish, brood, callow, childish, childkind, childlike, children, clutch, crude, dewy, ever-new, evergreen, farrow, firsthand, fledgling ... show more.

Find more on young elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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