fledgling as a noun: - 1
- 2
as an adjective: - 1
- 2
1 fledgling
Any new participant in some activity.
synonyms: entrant, fledgeling, freshman, neophyte, newbie, newcomer, starter.
Dutch: beginneling, groentje, debutant, beginner, nieuweling, nieuwkomer
Polish: nowy
2 fledgling
Young bird that has just fledged or become capable of flying.
synonym: fledgeling.
Dutch: melkmuil, nieuweling
Polish: ptaszę
1 fledgling
of a young bird Having acquired its flight feathers:
— A fledgling robin.
synonym: fledgeling.
2 fledgling
Young and inexperienced:
— A fledgling enterprise.
— A fledgling skier.
synonyms: callow, unfledged.
Moby thesaurus: Young Turk, abecedarian, adolescent, alphabetarian, apprentice, arriviste, articled clerk, at half cock, avifauna, baby, baby bird, beginner, bird, bird of Jove, bird of Juno, bird of Minerva, bird of night, bird of passage, bird of prey, birdie, birdlife, birdling, birdy, boot, boy, bright young man, bub, bubba, buck, bud, buddy, cage bird, calf, callow, catechumen, catling, chick, chickling, chicky, colt, comer, cub, cygnet, deb, debutant, dewy, diving bird, dogie, dove, duckling, eagle, eaglet, entrant, ever-new, evergreen, fawn, fellow, firsthand, fish-eating bird, flightless bird, foal, fowl, fresh, freshman, fruit-eating bird, fryer, fulmar, game bird, gosling, green, greenhorn, greeny, half-baked, half-cocked, half-grown, hobbledehoy, hopeful, ignoramus, ill-digested, immature, impubic, inductee, infant, initiate, insect-eating bird, intact, junior, juvenal, juvenile, kid, kit, kitten, lad, laddie, lamb, lambkin, learner, litter, maiden, maidenly, manchild, master, migrant, migratory bird, minor, modern, modern generation, modern man, modernist, modernizer, muchacho, neologism, neologist, neology, neonate, neophyte, neoteric, neoterism, neoterist, nest, nestling, new, new boy, new generation, new man, newcomer, nouveau riche, novice, novitiate, novus homo, original, oscine bird, owl, parvenu, passerine bird, peacock, peafowl, peahen, perching bird, pigeon, piglet, pigling, polliwog, postulant, pristine, probationer, probationist, pubescent, pullet, pup, puppy, ratite, raw, raw recruit, recruit, rising generation, rookie, sapling, schoolboy, sea bird, seed-eating bird, sempervirent, shoat, shore bird, slip, songbird, sonny, sonny boy, sprig, squab, storm petrel, stormy petrel, stripling, swan, tadpole, teenager, teener, teenybopper, tenderfoot, trainee, tyro, unbeaten, underripe, undeveloped, unfledged, unmellowed, unripe, unseasoned, untouched, untried, untrodden, unused, upstart, vernal, virgin, virginal, wading bird, warbler, water bird, waterfowl, weaner, whelp, wildfowl, yeanling, young, young hopeful, young man, young person, younger, youngest, youngling, youngster, youth ... show more.
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