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1 chute

Rescue equipment consisting of a device that fills with air and retards your fall.

synonym: parachute.

Roget 348: running water.    jet, spirt, spurt, squirt, spout, spray, splash, rush, gush, jet d'eau [Fr.]; sluice.    water spout, water fall; ... show more

Dutch: parachute, springscherm, valscherm
Polish: spadochron

2 chute

Sloping channel through which things can descend.

synonyms: slide, slideway, sloping trough.

Dutch: stortgat
Polish: zsuwnia, ześlizg, ślizg


1 chute

Jump from an airplane and descend with a parachute.

synonyms: jump, parachute.

Moby thesaurus: Ferris wheel, avenue, bank, bevel, bezel, blowhole, brolly, carousel, cascade, cataract, channel, chimney, chute-the-chutes, chutes, collapse, comedown, country rock, crash, debacle, debouch ... show more.

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