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1 blank

A blank character used to separate successive words in writing or printing.

synonym: space.

Roget 4: unsubstantiality, insubstantiality; nothingness, nihility; no degree, no part, no quantity, no thing.    nothing, naught, nil, nullity, zero, cipher, ... show more

Roget 2: inexistence; nonexistence, nonsubsistence; nonentity, nil; negativeness etc. adj.; nullity; nihility, nihilism; tabula rasa [Lat.], blank; abeyance; ... show more

Dutch: spatie
Polish: spacja

2 blank

A blank gap or missing part.

synonym: lacuna.

3 blank

A piece of material ready to be made into something.

4 blank

A cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet.

synonyms: blank shell, dummy.

Roget 158: impotence; inability, disability; disablement, impuissance, imbecility; incapacity, incapability; inaptitude, ineptitude, incompetence, unproductivity; indocility; invalidity, ... show more

Polish: ślepak, ślepy nabój, nabój ćwiczebny


1 blank

Keep the opposing (baseball) team from winning.


1 blank

of a surface Not written or printed on:
— Blank pages.
— Fill in the blank spaces.

synonyms: clean, white.

Roget 4: unsubstantial; baseless, groundless; ungrounded; without foundation, having no foundation.    visionary etc. (imaginary) 515; immaterial etc. 137; spectral ... show more

Roget 2: inexistent, nonexistent etc. 1; negative, blank; missing, omitted; absent etc. 187; insubstantial, shadowy, ... show more

2 blank

Without comprehension.

3 blank

Not charged with a bullet.

4 blank

Complete and absolute:
— Blank stupidity.

synonym: utter.

Moby thesaurus: Olympian, absence, absolute, aloof, arid, awayness, backward, bald, bare, barren, bashful, bewildered, black, blah, bland, blankminded, bleached, blind, blind-alley, bloodless ... show more.

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