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1 Crux

A small conspicuous constellation in the southern hemisphere in the Milky Way near Centaurus.

synonyms: Crux Australis, Southern Cross.

Dutch: Zuiderkruis, zuiderkruis

2 crux

The most important point.

synonym: crux of the matter.

Roget 153: cause, origin, source, principle, element; occasioner, prime mover, primum mobile [Lat.]; vera causa [Lat.]; author etc. (producer) 164; mainspring; ... show more

Roget 704: difficulty; hardness etc. adj.; impracticability etc. (impossibility) 471; tough work, hard work, uphill work; hard task, Herculean task, ... show more

Dutch: kruispunt

Moby thesaurus: Calvary cross, Chinese puzzle, Christogram, Gordian knot, Greek cross, Jerusalem cross, Latin cross, Maltese cross, Russian cross, T, X, ankh, avellan cross, baffling problem, bench mark, brain twister, cardinal point, catch, chi, chi-rho ... show more.

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