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1 palpable

Capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt:
— A barely palpable dust.
— Felt sudden anger in a palpable wave.
— The air was warm and close--palpable as cotton.
— A palpable lie.

synonym: tangible.

Roget 316: material, bodily; corporeal, corporal; physical; somatic, somatoscopic; sensible, tangible, ponderable, palpable, substantial.    objective, ... show more

Roget 379: tactual, tactile; tangible, palpable; lambent.   

2 palpable

medicine Can be felt by palpation.

3 palpable

Clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment:
— A palpable lie.

synonyms: apparent, evident, manifest, patent, plain, unmistakable.

Roget 525: manifest, apparent; salient, striking, demonstrative, prominent, in the foreground, notable, pronounced.    flagrant; notorious etc. (public) ... show more

Roget 446: visible, perceptible, perceivable, discernible, apparent; in view, in full view, in sight; exposed to view, en vidence; unclouded, unobscured, in the foreground.    ... show more

Polish: ewidentny

4 palpable

So intense as to be almost touched or felt.

Moby thesaurus: apparent, appreciable, arresting, believable, certain, clear, clear as crystal, colorable, concrete, credible, crystal-clear, detectable, discernible, distinct, evident, explicit, express, indisputable, indubitable, manifest ... show more.

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