1 transparent
Transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity:
— Transparent crystal.
synonyms: crystal clear, crystalline, limpid, lucid, pellucid.
Roget 425: transparent, pellucid, lucid, diaphanous, translucent, tralucent†, relucent†; limpid, clear, serene, crystalline, clear as crystal, vitreous, transpicuous†, ... show more
Roget 518: intelligible; clear, clear as day, clear as noonday; lucid; perspicuous, transpicuous†; luminous, transparent. easily understood, easy to understand, for the million, intelligible to the meanest capacity, popularized. ... show more
Polish: kryształowy
2 transparent
So thin as to transmit light:
— Transparent chiffon.
synonyms: cobwebby, diaphanous, filmy, gauze-like, gauzy, gossamer, see-through, sheer, vaporous, vapourous.
Polish: przeźroczysty, prześwitujący, przezroczysty
3 transparent
Free of deceit.
synonym: guileless.
4 transparent
Easily understood or seen through (because of a lack of subtlety).
Polish: transparentny
Moby thesaurus: apparent, articulate, artless, bluff, blunt, broad, brusque, candid, clean-cut, clear, clear as crystal, clear as day, clear as glass, clear-cut, cloudless, coherent, connected, consistent, crisp, crystal ... show more.
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