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1 plentiful

Existing in great number or quantity.

2 plentiful

Affording an abundant supply:
— Food is plentiful.

synonyms: ample, copious, plenteous, rich.

Roget 639: sufficient, enough, adequate, up to the mark, commensurate, competent, satisfactory, valid, tangible.    measured; moderate etc. (temperate) ... show more

3 plentiful

Producing in abundance:
— A plentiful year.

synonym: bountiful.

Polish: urodzajny

Moby thesaurus: abounding, abundant, affluent, all-sufficing, ample, aplenty, blooming, bottomless, bounteous, bountiful, bumper, bursting, bursting out, copious, countless, creative, diffuse, effuse, enough, epidemic ... show more.

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