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1 productive

Producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly).

Roget 157: powerful, puissant; potential; capable, able; equal to, up to; cogent, valid; efficient, productive; effective, effectual, efficacious, ... show more

2 productive

Having the ability to produce or originate.

synonym: generative.

Roget 168: productive, prolific; teeming, teemful; fertile, fruitful, frugiferous, fruit-bearing; fecund, luxuriant; pregnant, uberous.    procreant, procreative; ... show more

3 productive

Yielding positive results.

4 productive

Marked by great fruitfulness:
— A productive vineyard.

synonyms: fat, fertile, rich.

Polish: wydajny, produktywny

Moby thesaurus: able, abounding, abundant, adequate, advantageous, affluent, all-sufficing, ample, aplenty, banausic, blooming, bottomless, bounteous, bountiful, breadwinning, bursting, bursting out, capable, causative, competent ... show more.

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